Response to allegations from non-customers
It has come to our attention that extremely talented creators who have helped us spread the word about Established Titles have become unfairly under fire.
We want to clarify a few points and misinformation about our service, the amazing work creators who have been working with us have been doing, and last but not least, our ‘Lords and Ladies’.
False claim #1 “Customers don’t understand that they’re not purchasing official, legal titles”
The information regarding the Lairdships being based on an age old Scottish custom is clearly available on our website:

... as well as in the briefs provided to YouTube advertisers:

The creators sponsoring Established Titles have been incredibly creative in how they've spread the word about our Title Packs in their sponsored segments – they've made their Pet Lobster a Lord, 'lorded' their 7-String Electric Guitar, or their dog.

Mind you, our ‘Lords and Ladies’ have an excellent sense of humour, and are very well aware how far the authority of their Lairdship extends.
Lordships and Ladyships have been the center piece of various gag ceremonies and celebrations, and Lairsdships have been given out to pets and personal items.

False claim #2 “Established Titles does not actually plant any trees or donate to charity”
As clearly stated on our website, Established Titles is a proud partner of Trees for the Future, and plants a tree with every order to help global reforestration efforts.

Trees for the Future is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and you can find their audited financial statements here:
Claim #3 “The company is not clear about the rights the customers have to the land”
As clearly explained on our website, it is not possible to build your own castle on your plot of land, because we’ve pledged to conserve it forever in its natural state. Again, as explained, it is not possible to technically move the legal title of a souvenir plot to our Lords and Ladies, which eliminates worries about tax or other implications of owning a tiny souvenir piece of land.
But what our Lords and Ladies do have is more than the rights to 'name a star'; your dedicated plot of land is part of an estate that Established Titles has purchased and pledged to conserve forever, only possible with the help of our Lords and Ladies and the creators who have helped us to promote the service.
Thanks to our ‘Lords and Ladies’, Established Titles has been able to purchase a total of 6 different plots of land, exceeding over 200 acres in total area.
As our creators have helped us spread the word while putting smiles on the faces of the buyers of our title packs, we’ve been able to expand from our first Huntly estate to our Aberdeenshire, Wigtownshire, Dunfermline, Ardallie and Eddleston estates, and thus conserve substantially more land. You can find all the details, including coordiates about the land & estates Established Titles owns on our Land Ownership & Details page.
When you purchase one of our Title Packs, a unique area of land will be exclusively dedicated to you, or to whomever you choose to gift it to, forever. Through this contractual obligation, Established Titles will never sell the land to anyone else. You can search for the exact location of your unique plot via our Where's My Plot -page.
Generous no-questions-asked refund policy
For any customer that ever wanted a refund for whatever reason, for example, if you were intending to build a castle on your 1sqft of land – but learned only afterward that it is not allowed because Established Titles has pledged to conserve the land in its natural habitat forever – Established Titles is always happy to provide you a full refund, should you wish to revoke your Lord or Ladyship.
Please email and we will refund you right away.
To date less than 4.5% of customers have changed their mind to ask for a refund after making a purchase.
Our response to “Established Titles a Scam - Youtube’s biggest Con”
If you are interested in hearing from our founder directly regarding the Youtube video “Established Titles a Scam - YouTube’s biggest Con”, you can refer to the interview with the YouTuber Paige Christie as well as the letter we had sent to our Youtube partners.
On the 29th November, this video - not sponsored, nor requested by us, was released by Fact Fiend:
Further resources: records of Established Titles planting trees
-Details about the land where the souvenir plots are located