Historically there are really only a handful of ways one can become a Lord or a Lady; you can be born into it, marry into it, or be appointed to the House of Lords in the UK by the Prime Minister and the Queen. Both options are obviously out of reach for most — however, there is a small legal loophole in Scotland that makes it possible for anyone to title themselves as a ‘Lord’ or a ‘Lady’.
This all fascinatingly hinges on the historic Scottish custom of referring to landowners as “Laird”, which happens to be the Scots for “Lord” (with the female equivalent being Lady). All you need is at least one square foot of land in Scotland itself; though of course, there are no restrictions on having more land. These small plots of land are referred to as souvenir plots, which have a long history in Scotland themselves. Through this loophole, anyone can buy a small plot of land in Scotland and refer to themselves as a Lord or a Lady!
Established Titles offers Lordship and Ladyship title packs; each pack includes:
- a souvenir plot located on an estate in Huntly, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
- a personalized certificate with the titleholder’s name
- unique plot number
The plots are located on a stretch of peaceful woodland made up of rowan and ash trees. In the spring and summer, white and purple flowers can be seen and provide a beautiful environment for the fauna. Established Titles is committed to the preservation of the woodland; the land will remain in its natural state and a tree is planted for every order.
Lordship and Ladyship title packs start at 1 square foot for $49.95 and make the perfect gift for family and friends.